wk 13: Matter and Materiality

L0013028 Robert Hooke, Micrographia, needle-point.
Robert Hooke. Micrographia, Needle-point. 1665

There is no required reading for Wednesday, November 14th. We will discuss Matter and Materiality in the context of Francesca Hughes’ scholarly work. In preparation for Wednesday’s lecture and discussion you need to WATCH the lecture, The Architecture of Error: Matter, Measure and Misadventures of Precision by Francesca Hughes. This work is at the center of many of the electronic errors and issues you have encountered working on the Revit Cube files.

Francesca Hughes’ work frames the transition from theoretical media issues based in representation to processes of materialization; from how things are represented to how things are made. This transition is the context for the rest of the semester. During the next three weeks we will discuss issues of materialization in relation to the following practices:  1. Ensamble Studio, 2. Neri Oxman, 3. Gramazio Kohler4. Matter Design

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